How to Optimize Your 1st Party Data – Step 2: Protect

Is your governance framework protecting your 1st Party Data? In our first blog of the Consumer Intelligence series (1st Party Data, Clean Rooms, and Privacy — Why it’s so Hot), we emphasized the importance of your 1st party data and how Infinitive helps companies get the value out of their data by a 3-step process […]
Increase the Clarity of Your Cloud

It’s been sixteen years since AWS made its Simple Storage Solution (S3) available to a third party, yet, despite innumerable advances in cloud infrastructure, services, and use cases, many organizations are still unsure (or perhaps unconvinced) of the cloud’s value proposition. In our experience, those organizations that are still contemplating whether they should use the […]
Infinitive’s 2022 Midyear Review

We are halfway into the year which calls for a midyear review on Infinitive’s achievements. Our technology and transformation efforts are guiding organizations in the financial services, media, education, and healthcare industries to achieve their business objectives. Here’s the recap: Financial Services At Infinitive, we help guide financial services organization’s digital transformation to improve cloud […]
How to Optimize Your 1st Party Data – Step 1: Collect

Is your organization building trusted consumer relationships that help you monetize your streaming content? In our first blog of the Consumer Intelligence series (1st Party Data, Clean Rooms, and Privacy — Why it’s so Hot), we emphasized the importance of your 1st party data and how Infinitive helps companies get the value out of their […]
How Does Traditional SIEM = Traffic Helicopter? Remember the iconic traffic helicopter and our dependence on information gleaned from each hover? Fast forward to 2022, and our reliance is now on crowdsourced, live traffic and road condition updates including stopped vehicles, potholes, police activity and expected hold times at specific jams. Waze, a crowdsourced app is faster by an average of […]
Claims, Denials, and How the Best Organizations are using Analytics

Background The healthcare industry has seen a 20% increase in claim denial rates in the past five years, and because of COVID-19, the trend is only becoming worse (McKeon). Healthcare organizations must work to identify root causes, simplify the appeals process, and develop prevention tactics to help mitigate the social, technological, regulatory, and financial implications […]
Aligning Cybersecurity to Your Business

Over the past few years, the security landscape has changed rapidly because of an increase in information on private and public networks and in cybersecurity incidents. While cybersecurity is becoming the number one risk for company boards, companies that meet cybersecurity regulations and standards often fail to relate these efforts as a differentiator and competitive […]
Infinitive’s Cloud Governance Model & Framework

“It is amazing how many drivers think that the brakes are for slowing the car down,” said Mario Andretti, a legendary Formula One racer. We view Cloud Governance in the same light – our clients are unlocking their business potential through a secure, efficient, and cost-effective cloud governance framework. In an earlier blog, we introduced […]
The Data Lakehouse – Simple, Flexible, and Cost Efficient

According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), the amount of data created over the next three years will exceed the data created over the past 30 years. The Data Lakehouse is a new framework/architecture that combines features of previous data management tools, namely the Enterprise Data Warehouse and Data Lake. To understand, what the Data […]
Creating Value with Effective Cloud Governance in 7 Steps
It is no secret — organizations are looking to gain a competitive advantage and grow their businesses by leveraging the cloud. The value proposition is obvious: infrastructure and services on-demand, scalability, improved security, pay-as-you-go pricing, and access to an ever-growing number of resources that provide a multitude of functionalities and features that help drive innovation, […]