Leverage Your 1st Party Data to Drive Revenue

“Technology is rapidly advancing and is changing almost every aspect of our lives. Whether that is getting from ‘a’ to ‘b’, how we stay in touch with our friends and family, do our shopping, or relax and be entertained. Technology is also becoming smarter as companies harness the power of data to personalize the products […]
How to Optimize Your 1st Party Data – Step 1: Collect

Is your organization building trusted consumer relationships that help you monetize your streaming content? In our first blog of the Consumer Intelligence series (1st Party Data, Clean Rooms, and Privacy — Why it’s so Hot), we emphasized the importance of your 1st party data and how Infinitive helps companies get the value out of their […]
1st Party Data, Clean Rooms, and Privacy — Why it’s so Hot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMms05nrhz0 The global pandemic has changed many different aspects of our lives, but one that is undeniable is the boom in the streaming industry and how we now consume much of our content. For example: The number of new streaming services exploded (apparently just add a ‘+’ to your company name) The sheer volume of […]